Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Catching up with....wine!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was a time to drink and a time to mourn, a time to laugh and a time to cry....so I did all four.  Maybe not in that order.

People always say never take anything for granted and why is it that we have to learn these things the hard way?  I have had the best week and have had the worst news given to me in the same week. My equillibrium is all screwed up and for once it isn't the wine.

I will focus on the fact that I did manage to get a job...yeah me! I have learned not to brag about it or go on about it in anyway because a lot of people really don't want to hear the good news. I'm sorry it didn't take a long time, but I was prepared and I worked my behind off in those interviews. I feel like all parties involved felt like it was a good fit and sometimes that's more important than what's on your resume.

So right now I'm wishing I could have a glass of wine with friends like Mary L, Sue D and the Karen's, Marilou, 867-5309 and Sweet D and my Co-Prez. You all know who you are.  Miss ya!

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