Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moving Sucks....(Whine # 21)

Moving sucks.  The actual process of putting your entire life into a box and then loading it onto a truck really, really sucks.  Even if you are looking forward to where you are going there is a huge part of you that wishes Captain Spock would come along with his transporter and just do it all for you.  Wouldn’t that be great???
I know a thing or two about moving.  I have moved four times in ten years and I’m not even a military wife, go figure.  The reason for all of these moves requires a complete and separate blog in itself titled “What Was I Thinking and Other Mind Boggling Moments.”  Here is my Top 10 List of things that WILL happen during your move:
1.       You will estimate the number of boxes needed thinking you are prepared, but you really should have tripled the amount.
2.       Something will break, despite the fluffy cloud of bubble wrap.
3.       Something will get lost.
4.       Something will be found (“Hey, there’s the other ball for the foosball table!”)
5.       You and your spouse/partner/significant other will argue…about very lame things.
6.       You will wonder why you have so much crap when you get to the other end to unpack it all.
7.       Friends will suddenly have big urgent plans when you ask for their help.
8.       Moving companies are expensive, but damn most of them are worth it.
9.       Make sure to keep in a separate box a few kitchen staples, towels, toilet paper and bed sheets for easy access when you first arrive at your new place.
10.   Despite the overwhelming emotional and physical roller coaster moving puts you through; you will settle into your new place and feel at home…eventually.


  1. I had to read your post because we are getting ready to move. So not fun!

  2. Keep your sense of humor and you will do great, especially if it is a move you are looking forward to!
