Tuesday, March 27, 2012

She said what??!!

I'm wandering around Office Max getting supplies for my work when I accidently bump my cart into another lady's cart as I'm rounding the paper aisle.  We both say "Excuse me" at the same time and then she says, "Oh my dear, you could be a plus size model!"  Yep, that's what she said, not "Oh, you are a pretty lady" not, "My goodness you are nice looking!" Nope, I got compared to a plus size model.
So, how do I take that???  Am I just chunky enough to qualify for that status, but not quite thin enough to be a regular sized model? Not that there aren't plenty of beautiful women out there who are bigger than a size six (which I definitely am!)   Why the heck did she have to preface the compliment with "plus size" and why was I offended??  I just couldn't register it as a compliment.  It felt like telling your enemy through gritted teeth that they "look great" at the high school reunion because you'd rather not start a scene.  I must have looked rather encredulous as I said a weak, "thank you" and strolled away in my cart replaying this scene over and over in my head and sucked my gut in a little more as I proceeded to the check out.

The checkout area had a full display of easter candy nestled by the register, but with that perceived back-handed compliment ringing in the back of my mind I decided to lay off the chocolate eggs.  Treadmill, here I come.

1 comment:

  1. She just meant you're tall! Right? I'm just sure of it. If not, she deserved a smack-down! I don't know if I would have handled the "compliment" as well as you did. I would have probably said something that would have made HER wonder why I said such a thing. Ha ha!
