Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Whine in Which I Want a new Family

If you ever want to know what a broken record sounds like, come to my house. I am
the epitome of a broken record. I'm not taken seriously until something is lost or
broken and then suddenly everyone wants to pay attention and do what I say.

This is the whine in which I lament over the same sad things that pretty much every
mother goes through daily/weekly/monthly. Part of me needs to know if maybe
I am just a control freak trying to impress my wants and needs on my family, but
do dirty socks really need to be continually left out in the front entrance way for
all to see? Do dirty cleats and running shoes really need to be left underneath the
coffee table and why is it so hard to hang up a freaking towel?? People say just
leave it alone. But here's the thing I CAN'T PHYSICALLY DO THAT. 
I have been hardwired to believe that "everything has a place and a place for
everything." We have closets and drawers for a purpose. Bathrooms come with a
vanity so not every single item needs to be left out on the counter because
eventually you will use that item again.

Today I walked away from my dinner table, plate in hand, and hid back in the
guestroom. I have no desire to eat so I should have just left the food behind. I feel
like giving up and part of me really wants to and then the rational part of me knows
I need to just suck it up. Wouldn't it be nice though, for just a little while for those
little things that you repeatedly ask for OVER and OVER again to be taken care of?
Am I that unrealistic?? Do I have it backwards? Should I be so damn happy that
I have a spouse and child that I put my big girl panties on suck it up?

I need another glass of wine before I can answer that. For now I will shamefully
hide because I just don't know what to say anymore.

(let the record show that my son did just come in and hug me and my husband
did bring me another glass of wine....ah hell, am I really that bad of a whiner??)

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