Friday, July 27, 2012

Whine, Wine.....Earned!

I have just completed my first week of work at a new and challenging job and
I must say this glass of wine tastes better, colder and just the perfect hint of apple
and citrus all because I EARNED it.

That's right...I earned it.  This isn't a "pity glass" or a "I'm blue, pick me up glass",
but a "celebratory glass" for a job well done and that my friends, ALWAYS taste
better. I have recently decided to stop saying that "I am lucky" and I will be replacing
it with "I am blessed." Does this shorten my "to do" list by any measure? I think not.

It does, however, mark a monumental shift in my thinking and behaviors.  "Here,
here!"(That's me, raising my glass of pinot to you all!)

It's been a good week. I do have some challenges ahead. I have to "face my giants"
in other areas of my life now that I have met this one. For example, how do I treat
my bodywith respect and coax it along to look and feel as good as I did in my
mid-thirties. Trust me, you will look back at a lot of pictures of yourself and just
like Baz Lurhmannsays, "You are not as fat as you think you are." I have to set a
better example for myfamily and since I am the one that does all the shopping and
the cooking, I'm the one to blame when Pringles make an appearance in my
cupboard. Speaking of shopping,I bought the cutest dress....but I digress....

So raise a glass if you EARNED it this week (this term can be interpreted
VERY loosely!)and we will talk about shopping next week!

Ta ta!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Catching up!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was a time to drink and a time to mourn, a time to laugh and a time to I did all four.  Maybe not in that order.

People always say never take anything for granted and why is it that we have to learn these things the hard way?  I have had the best week and have had the worst news given to me in the same week. My equillibrium is all screwed up and for once it isn't the wine.

I will focus on the fact that I did manage to get a job...yeah me! I have learned not to brag about it or go on about it in anyway because a lot of people really don't want to hear the good news. I'm sorry it didn't take a long time, but I was prepared and I worked my behind off in those interviews. I feel like all parties involved felt like it was a good fit and sometimes that's more important than what's on your resume.

So right now I'm wishing I could have a glass of wine with friends like Mary L, Sue D and the Karen's, Marilou, 867-5309 and Sweet D and my Co-Prez. You all know who you are.  Miss ya!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Packing it in Whine.....???

I can't seem to find a writing groove these days...I seem to be caught up in the little
moments of life that suck out all the fun one could be having like, cleaning the bathroom
(gotta love having a boy) paying the bills (health insurance is a whine all its own)
and scooping litter. I'm seeing a crappy theme here.

I also need to figure out where to set up my painting. Now the lanai seems like a perfect
spot (in fact it's the only spot unless I want my shower to be a dual purpose area
of the home.) It's just too darn hot or raining out right now.  Whine on little whiner...

So, I think I will just concentrate on one thing at a time. Perhaps that's the key to success
in anything. Go ahead, put all your eggs in one basket and see what kind of omelette
you get. This will be a new experience for me because normally I like to do way too
many things at once and I inevitably screw up something. Does anyone else out there
do one thing at one time or do we all have a society driven form of ADHD??

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

PMS Whine....

I am thoroughly convinced that monthly personal hygiene products should be sold
in a simple survival kit containing: 1 bottle of wine, 1 large box of chocolate, 1
package of tissues, 1 bottle of Midol and an 800 # for a local shrink. This would be
presented in a very chic box enhanced by some very delightful bath oil  You would
think after years and years of this abuse I would be much more adept at controlling
my emotions etc. during this "special time." (Sadly, I have noticed that even
domesticated animals steer clear of me during these six days of hell....ok, who
am I kidding, it's more like twelve.)

My particular rant this month involves a Pity Party for One in which I am always the
hostess.  My raging hormones have me convinced that I am completely undesirable and
would be better off living amongst a pack of wolves. The temptation is there, but I don't
think I could handle their rejection as well.

In this state my Superwoman alter ego deflates faster than my attempt at baking a
souffle. My pants are tighter, my sweet tooth takes over my nutritional needs and
if you are nice to me I will most definitely cry.  I feel that relief is in sight when
I can stand to be in the same room as my family for more than five minutes without
tearing up.

How about I get back to you in all, in say, twelve days?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Weekend News Update...."I am Superwoman"

In a shocking turn of events, the people of Fort Myers, FL have learned that yes,
Jennifer Kuhn is indeed Superwoman.

"I tried to remain in cognito for as long as possible, but some of the dumbass citizens of
this place needed to learn the hard and fast way that, yes, I was the elusive figure that
sorted out bullshit that piles up in the most common neighborhoods and lets it be known
that no way in hell am I going to stand by and take their crap."

WHOA...where did that come from neighbors cried? Who is this bitch on wheels you
may ask?

Why, it is I, SUPERWOMAN.  Now, before shit really hits the fan I will let you all in on
a little secret. Inside all of us lies SUPERWOMAN! You just have to dig deep and find that
strength inside of you to really stand up for what you believe in. There are too many fake
people in this world, people who are trying to be copies of all the people they see in
magazines or people that believe they should emulate. BE YOU and only YOU.
You were created for a reason, you have a SPECIFIC role in this life.
Let your Superwoman fly.

She will thank you later.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Today Whine

Today isn't really an extraordinary day, it's not like it pops out on the calendar,
but today I just really miss my friends. I feel like I should be at McGurk's having
fish and chips and just hanging out and laughing.
Today I have an ear infection, a job interview happened at 8:30 am in which I was
told I am overqualified for the job and at 4:30 this evening my son was saying
he shouldn't eat bread if he wants to lose weight to play football.
Today I want to kick the shit out of the football coach who told me that my
son needs to lose 7lbs in 12 days to be consider for a spot on the team.
I want to jump over the counter at Walgreen's at the lady who is telling me
that they no longer accept my health insurance and I need to find another
Today I want to pretend that I am my cat and just curl up in a ball and let everything
just float on by.
But today is almost over and I've survived it. I got my medicine, my son is thinking
about playing for a different team and I'm sure I will return to Walgreen's...eventually.
Thanks for being part of my day.