Sunday, January 20, 2013

Martha Stewart Crafter's Whine

I don't know about you, but I could spend days in Michael's. The promise of
excelling at any project of my choosing is so intoxicating. I could be a jewelry
designer, a stamper, a scrap book artist or a painter of any medium all within
the space of an hour. My credit card starts to hum in my wallet and I take on
the demeanor of Martha Stewart minus the helmet hairand prison record.

Walking down the oil paint aisle I literally convulse in pure delight at all the
possibility laying before me. A blank canvas goes beyond all philosophical
discussions of tabula rasa and I'm momentarily paralyzed with the plethora of
options dancing in my head. I sometimes have to just sit down and take it all in. 
I can't stay too long or else I start feeling like a turtle that just wants to shove its
head inside his shell because all the stimulus is just way too much!

I may not be the best painter, but I'm learning every day. I don't think I will ever
tire of hearing someone say "You painted that??"  I could be happy with paint up
to my elbows if it were only my opinion that counted. I get nervous when people
start to say things like "You should sell this stuff" or "Have you thought about
approaching XYX company to sell your stuff on consignment?"
comes the turtle.

Call it a lack of confidence, call it laziness, I don't know what to call it. I just know
that I am happiest painting when there is nothing but joy attached to it and the
feeling of finishing what I started.

I can toast to that!

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