Wednesday, January 16, 2013

People Pleasing Whine

How many times have you replayed a conversation in your head and wished for a
better conclusion? How many times have you wished you said "Yes" or "No" or
even "Let me think about that" to at least buy you some time to think the request
through? Sometimes I am just drop-dead-tired from trying to be all things to

Most of this is family related. You would think that I could cut myself some slack
where family is concerned, but for some reason I am over here tapping dancing on
egg shells trying to make everyone happy, do the right thing and give the right

I am failing miserably.

There are days when I sometimes can't balance what I need to do in my personal
life, my family life, my work and my friends. I wish I had even one more hour in
the day to devote to each category to finally check off some items on my "to-do"
list. Pretty sure I am preaching to the masses here....who the hell doesn't feel this way?

But here's the cannot be a to-do list. Life is constant motion with full
"in trays" and sometimes all things cannot be completely balanced. I think we
have to stop seeing our day to day life as a ledger in which columns are all neat
and balanced.  I think a sense of humor is the key to fewer gray hairs and an
ability to pick the better wine.  I think we all need to blatantly give ourselves
permission to not be perfect and blissfully navigate our days utilizing our gut instincts
and let the concept of "perfection" disappear. 

Be kind and drink wine!

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