Saturday, June 30, 2012

Job Hunting Sucks

Was it the movie "Rainman" where Tom Cruise tells Dustin Hoffman that
"K Mart sucks."   That about wraps up how I feel about job hunting. Why can't
employers just feel my awesomeness without having to jump through hoops?

I've been out of work since June 15th, my own doing, as you all know I have recently
moved. Now, seeing dolphins every day does have its advantageous, but those
water-dwelling creatures do not pay the bills. My extended "vacation" is starting to
get on my nerves. You know you have issues when you start to "wipe out" the foot
prints on the carpet because you want everything to still look neat, maintain a facsimile
of control in your environment, or you obsess  over whether or not that particular
picture should really be hanging next to that bookshelf.

Enough! Give me some paper, a desk a phone and irritating people to deal with and
I'm right at home. Let me organize, banter back and forth with colleagues and pretend
I really do like the swill offered as free coffee in the breakroom. When you start            answering your personal cell phone like an infomercial commentator you know
it's time to get a job.  When wine starts to look real good by 2pm you really need to
get out of the house.

I will close with this. I'm a worker. I'm not the Queen Bee or the Princess locked
in the tower (my hair would never grow that long without cosmetic enhancements
that I can't  afford right now anyway.) I work, therefore I am happy.

The saga continues....

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