Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Retail Checkout Whine

Since when did checking out at a retail shop become such a hassle?  I’m not even talking about the people who still have the audacity to write checks and have to show 25 pieces of ID just to get the check approved.  I’m talking about all the information the salespeople are “required” to ask of us customers to put into their “system.”
My good friend Lori S and I were discussing this several days ago.  All we want to do is go into the store and buy the jeans that are supposed to make our ass look good and then we get hit with a list of questions before our credit card, debit card or cash is even accepted to complete the transaction.  “Name, address, zip code, phone number, list the addresses for every residence of the last five years, name of first born, family pet, garage code….”  I mean really???  All of this for a clothing purchase?  It is so ridiculous no wonder people shop online!
For pure entertainment the next time I purchase something in a store that requires any of the above information here is what my answers will be:  Name – “Ida Know” Address –“ 123 Anywhere You Aren’t Crescent” Zip Code “12345.”  I realize they won’t accept this, but what would you do?  So, I will just smile, hand over my debit card and take it like a woman.

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