Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wine on Wheels

I firmly believe we all have stories that remind us of the crazy, irresponsible person that lies inside all of us responsible moms, faithful partners and upstanding friends.  It's important to remember these moments and not bury them under the grind of our daily lives.  My story has left scars.  Yes, physical scars that everytime I look at them I can't help but laugh my booty off.  You see, my friend Heather and I used to get together one night of the week and have dinner and wine while watching Melrose Place.  (You remember the show, I know you do!)  I lived a few blocks away and while I was smart enough not to drive I did foolishly strap on a pair of rollarblades on the occassion with my wine bottle tucked inside my backpack.  Seemed like a good idea at the time (some of you are nodding your heads wishing you could have stopped me before the "incident", but I digress.)  There I was rollarblading down the street thinking I was all that and a bag of chips with my wine secure in its backpack until I hit a rock and wiped out in the middle of the street trying to avoid the parked cars on the side of the road.  Mayhem ensued, legs went flying, arms flailed about, a litany of curse words flew out of my mouth, but miraculously...I SAVED THE WINE!  I arrived bloody and beaten to Heather's house and to this day I still can't see a pair of rollarblades without thinking of this story.  I curse Target knowing that I can purchase both of these items in the same store.

So go on, call your girlfriends up and start your conversation with "Remember the time...." and step out of your role as the responsible person for a moment....just don't wheel and wine.

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