Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Birthday Presents Gone Wild!

Ok, did I miss the memo that went out awhile ago concerning birthday gifts for kids between the ages of 6 and 10?  I have never seen so many children with iphones, ipads, tablets, ipods and whatever trendy electronic devices Best Buy has available.  Whatever happened to coloring books, sports equipment, dolls, action figures, lego and things of that nature?  Rarely can you go out nowadays without seeing a child playing on a DS etc. at some sort of social gathering, because heaven forbid that child should be BORED or have to pay attention to something other than a video screen.
What happens when these kids are fourteen and fifteen years old?  What type of presents do we buy for them at that age?  It’s not just the cost associated with these gifts, heck if you have the money and that’s how you want to spend it, then I suppose that’s your prerogative.  The decision to purchase these items draws a definite line in the sandbox of those kids who “have” and those kids who “don’t.”
My son has birthday coming up at the end of the month and already he wants all the things his friends have and I just can’t bring myself to spend all that money on a birthday gift.
Does that make me a bad mom? 
Signed Suffering in Birthday Present Guilt

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