Monday, March 19, 2012

Whine #1....Why Me???

I find myself sometimes buckling under the self-imposed whine of "Why Me?"  I imagine God replying back, "Because I said so." And there you have it, the answer no one really wants to hear.  (Why does it sound so good when we say those same words to our kids, but it sounds like nails on a chalkboard when we have to hear it echoed back to ourselves?)

We already know that life is not fair, it was never really meant to be.  There's only so much a person can take before they feel like they just can't take it anymore.  I'm almost at that point and I have to tell you that through all the downs in my life I haven't made it to the point where I couldn't handle one more thing.  I'm not superwoman, I don't have an inside track to the Man Upstairs and I'm not particularly lucky.  I think we are all A LOT STRONGER THAN WE THINK!!!!  So the next time you want to hide your head in the sand and say "Why me?" maybe you should ask "Why NOT me" because trust me, you can weather any storm that comes your way.  Live the life you are capable of living, lean on your family and friends when it gets too tough. I believe in you!

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